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Contact: Tony Hartigan on 01943 851431 or swtswag@outlook.com

The Sylvia Wright Action Group (SWAG) is based in and around Leeds. Its main aims are to:

There are 3 SWAG meetings a year. It is an informal and flexible group. We keep paper work to a minimum and much of the 'action' takes place outside the meetings. It is good to have such a committed, friendly and active group of supporters. If you think you could help us to meet any of the aims set out above please get in touch.


SWAG members, Sue Wilson, Anne Cogan and Bernadette Barnes preparing the tombola stall at the Coffee Morning on 4 April 2014.

New members are always made very welcome. Contact Tony Hartigan 01943 851431 swtswag@outlook.com for further information


Some members of SWAG with Sylvia in April 2012